Watcher XL Plus - VMS Software Setup

Watcher XL Plus - VMS Software Setup

VMS Client Setup

  1. Download the software from our Software Downloads page here.
  2. Install VMS following this guide – VMS Install Guide
  3. When prompted, change the Install Path to C:\VMS
  4. Continue through the prompts
  5. When finished, open the VMS Client software (it will create a desktop shortcut).
  6. Refer to the User Manual for operation. **Note: With VMS still under developement, some features are not fully oprerational. Live View, Playback, and video back up are fully developed.

** Linux XL Plus Servers, IP Address can be found by clicking the Settings Icon, then clicking Network Settings

***If you want to access cameras from outside of the store, setup a second server with all of the same information, except change IP Address to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, which is the stores Public IP Address. You can find this information on You will need to forward ports in your Firewall for viewing remotely. This port can be found in the Network Settings section using the System Settings icon from the main toolbar.

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